I was asked if I could fix a Fibonacci Clock. It is Arduino based and open source so I thought rather than troubleshoot the intermittent issues with the clock I'd just replace it. The obvious choice was a Wemos D1 mini and a RTC shield because I had a few on hand. There was an issue of the battery draining in just minutes, I cut a trace on the board but there is a better solution at Wifi-D1-Mini-Real-time-Clock-and-Logger.
I kept the clock code from the original source and added a wifi manager. Using Wifi and NTP to update the time as needed by holding the button when powering up to enable WiFi. The updated code adjusts for daylight savings time automatically using the Arduino Timezone Library.
There is only one button to change the palette, there is no debouncing done but changing the palette shouldn't happen too often.
TODO: Add a webpage to edit settings and palettes, fix the button debounce...